Ali Hargreaves (Alisart)
Ali started her career as a primary school teacher, but due to hearing loss, gave this up in pursuit of her dream occupation as an Artist.
“I love colour and texture and enjoy exploring new techniques, and so my art is always evolving. As a result, I’d say my artwork is quite diverse.
I enjoy all mediums, but particularly enjoy mixing them all up together in mixed media.”
"Alisart" started small with commissions from friends, which lead to others!
Subsequently, I was asked to teach privately and this eventually lead to the thriving classes I run today.
Ali paints commissions on every subject and media. Her work is diverse, because she loves experimenting and is always trying new things. “I believe we are constantly evolving as artists”
She teaches regular adult Art classes in Poynton for Watercolours, Acrylics and Mixed media.These lessons are now available by video. She also runs all day workshops.
Ali demonstrates (and run workshops) for Art groups and societies.

Ali Hargreaves (Alisart) Mixed media

Ali Hargreaves (Alisart) Acrylics on canvas

Ali Hargreaves (Alisart) Mixed media

Ali Hargreaves (Alisart) Mixed media